Speaker Listing 3

Eleonore Eaves
Speaker & Founder
Eaves Coaching
Mike Shoreman
Pam Greenstein
Senior Vice President, People & Culture
Peakhill Capital
Limor Markman
Absolute Ascent
Raquel Binder
Learning & Development Leader
Ashira Gobrin
Coach, Advisor, Consultant & Mentor
Ashira Gobrin
Randi Woloz
Founder & CEO
Jewish Talent Accelerator Alliance
Hyla Pollak
Senior HR Executive
Michael Ianni-Palarchio
Chief Strategy Officer
Project X
Brennan McEachran
CEO and Co-Founder
Jocelyn Brown
Head of Customer Success and Sales
Virginia Poly
Managing Partner & President
Poly Tech Talent & Enthos Talent

Calling for Nominations!

We are looking to shine a huge light on the top HR leaders who lead HR at Canadian tech SMBs. What’s an SMB? An SMB employs fewer than 500 employees. The only other condition is that your nomination leads the HR function. If you have any questions please email us at info@goscalehr.com. We sincerely appreciate you taking the time to fill out this short questionnaire.