Dr. Troy Hall

Recognized as one of the Top 20 Business Leaders by Valiant CEO Magazine, and featured on The Today Show, ABC, the Global BV-TV Network, Beyond the Business Radio Show, and CEO World, Dr. Troy Hall is an award-winning talent retention consultant, international speaker, multiple bestselling author, and an international development educator. 

As the founder of Cohesion Culture™, Dr. Troy has dedicated his career to establishing a cycle of culture wellness in the corporate and professional sphere. His consulting and leadership coaching engagements are built on the strategic framework of Cohesion Culture™, making the concepts of belonging, value, and shared commitment easy for organizations to adopt and implement. 

Dr. Troy has a Ph.D in global leadership and entrepreneurship and worked with these organizations: Salesforce, Volvo, Mercedes, Bosch, Industrial Packaging Supplies (IPS), Apartments.com, One World Health, Cornerstone, and more. 

From the U.S. to Canada and the United Kingdom, from the Middle East to Africa, Asia, Europe, and Australia, Dr. Troy has spoken at global conferences as a subject matter expert on the topics of culture & leadership, strategy, and change.

Speaker Details
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    Dr. Troy Hall, LLC
Speaker Details
  • Profession
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    Dr. Troy Hall, LLC
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